High Frequency Current Transformer

With the iHFCT , you can continuously detect partial discharge activity at critical points in the cable system during operation. This data is acquired, pre-processed, stored in a database, and analyzed.

IEC standards prescribe type tests and routine tests to be performed by the manufacturer in order to ensure the high production quality of high-voltage cables and their accessories.

The on-site installation of high-voltage cables remains critical. Even very small dust particles and water droplets in joints and cable terminations can lead to critical defects. These defects can result in dielectric failures thereby resulting in reduced cable service life and serious power faults.

In order to identify such weaknesses in time, the status of the insulation must be monitored continuously.


  • Maintenance free
  • High sensitivity and reliability
  • Robust and easy to use
  • Safety
  • Cost-effective
  • Customization is available
  • Top class performance