Fault current limitation for a reliable energy supply

Our core business is providing solutions for current limitation in an electrical network. This is done above all with the aid of UFCL-limiter, which is able to limit and break the fault current within the first half cycle. Together with additional high-quality products and flexible solutions, the UFCL-limiter helps our customers ensures an interruption-free power supply.

With a growth in the generation of electrical energy and an increased interconnection of the networks lead to higher fault currents. More specifically, the continuous growth in the generation of electrical energy has the consequence that networks approach or even exceed their limits with respect to the short-circuit current withstand capability. Therefore, fault current limitation also has an ever-increasing importance on the distribution network level. Here, we likewise provide innovative system solutions. 

Our vision: Power the world with smarter technology

As an innovative company with decades of experience in fault current limitations, we are present in every area that deals with the flow of energy. We work every day to make the energy supply better and more secure with our solutions. This applies to our product solutions and to our extensive service offerings and our competencies in project business. We do this together with our customers, the manufacturers of high-voltage devices and systems, utility providers and current-intensive large-scale industry.

Creating benefits together

Innovit Electric is also successful in field of continuous partial discharge monitoring system (PDMS) which monitors, stores and correlates operating dynamics. The PDGuard of our PDMS will provide information as to the health of the insulation systems of most of the HV electrical assets. Thanks to the stringent alignment of all of these activities toward innovation, expertise and reliability, versatile synergies and customer advantages are created.

We pursue — innovation, capability, quality and sustainability.

For safe power supply, we are your reliable and strong partner.